Tuesday 17 November 2020

Swaziland PM tests positive for coronavirus

Ambrose Dlamini the prime Mister of Swaziland (eSwatini) has tested positive for coronavirus.

In a statement issued on Sunday (15 November 2020) he said, ‘I am asymptomatic and feeling well but in isolation, in line with health protocols, and being supported by the Ministry of Health medical personnel at home. I will continue working from home until I am cleared of the virus. All my close contacts for the past week are being tested and are expected to self-isolate and follow the necessary health guidelines.’

In July the entire Swazi cabinet of ministers went into isolation after Public Works and Transport Minister Ndlaluhlaza Ndwandwe tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The number of new cases of coronavirus in Swaziland is holding steady. According to official Ministry of Health figures there were 178 new cases in the first 15 days of November. The total number of cases reported in Swaziland since the pandemic started stands at 6,095. There have been 119 deaths.


See also

Swaziland PM warns of tough surveillance measures as people break coronavirus lockdown rules


Entire Swaziland Cabinet in isolation after minister tests positive for coronavirus https://swazimedia.blogspot.com/2020/07/entire-swaziland-cabinet-in-isolation.html

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