Friday 21 June 2024

Swaziland Newsletter No. 832 – 21 June 2024



Swaziland Newsletter No. 832 – 21 June 2024

News from and about Swaziland, compiled by Global Aktion, Denmark ( in collaboration with Swazi Media Commentary (, and sent to all with an interest in Swaziland - free of charge.

Call for E1 500 grant for the unemployed

By Phiwase Phungwayo, Times of eSwatini, 19 June 2024


MANZINI: Amid the outcry of unemployment in Eswatini, a plea for assistance has been raised by unemployed citizens in Eswatini.

A basic income of E1 500, they argue, could ensure emaSwati navigate the economic hardships. Through the Swaziland Unemployed People’s Movement (SUPMO), the unemployed suggested that this amount would serve as a life vest, amid the current economic situation caused by the high unemployment rate.

The unemployment rate in Eswatini is currently 35.4 per cent. During a press conference held at SUPMO premises, Lucky Dlamini, the Chairperson of SUPMO, stated that with youth month as their compass, the movement set out to highlight the realities of unemployment, particularly for young emaSwati, as they journeyed towards a solution to the economic crisis facing the kingdom.

Dlamini highlighted that as it were, the high unemployment rate in the country resulted in an increased crime rate and prostitution, which was seen especially among the youth, as well as drug abuse and suicides. “We call upon government to introduce a basic income grant for the unemployed, the elderly and people with disabilities.  “It should be E1 500, because the standard of living is too high. We are also calling for government to grant emaSwati land grants, which would afford them title deeds to use the land as a form of access to the economy, as a form of capital,” the chairperson said.He further expressed their call for government to also have clear programmes for decentralised skills, so that people could be well capacitated to use them.

Dlamini mentioned that the inflation rate was high, and it did not leave the unemployed unaffected, as they too needed to buy bread, without generating any income. The chairperson stated that the unemployed also got sick and required to be hospitalised or receive medical attention. He stated that there was a challenge of the unavailability of drugs in hospitals. The chairperson was of the view that unemployed people’s needs were not catered for. He expressed a wish for Eswatini to emulate South Africa, which catered for the needs of South Africans. He stressed that as it were in the country, the unemployment rate is high.  

Meanwhile, Ntokozo Shongwe, the movement’s advocate, said it disheartened them to see women being abused in the workplace, especially in the textile industry. She said this was in the form of meagre salaries, yet women were responsible for the welfare of their children and families. She also said women in the textile industry were retrenched without being awarded their lawful benefits. “We ask government to assist us in this regard, so that we can be motivated. We need these jobs, because we earn a living through them,” she said.  


Transformative technology aims to improve healthcare access in underserved communities



The Luke Commission (TLC), a nonprofit organization providing free healthcare in the Kingdom of Eswatini, has launched the nation’s first long-range medical drone network. This initiative, in collaboration with Australian-based drone company Swoop Aero and disaster response organization Red Lightning, marks a significant advancement in Eswatini’s healthcare delivery system.

The drone program is staffed by local pilots and ground crew, reflecting TLC’s commitment to local capacity building. Five Emaswati have been trained as pilots, ensuring the program’s sustainability and local ownership. TLC has also worked closely with the Eswatini Civil Aviation Authority (ESWCAA) to ensure all regulatory requirements are met.

Click here to read the full report


U.S. Embassy supports ‘No Means No’ GBV campaign

U.S. Embassy eSwatini statement,17 June 2024


The U.S. government, through The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), in collaboration with the The Deputy Prime Minister's Office Eswatini, is proud to support the introduction of the “No Means No” campaign. This initiative, launched last Friday at Inyandza High School under KaLamgabhi constituency, aims to empower both adolescent girls and boys to confront and prevent gender-based violence.

Since 2015, the U.S. government has invested approximately $10M USD (180M Emalangeni) in efforts to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, recognizing it as a critical factor in the fight against HIV.

Dr. Adler was energized to see the enthusiasm of the first set of No Means No instructors. These newly-certified instructors are not only trainers but ambassadors of gender norms change within our communities. They will teach critical skills, facilitate meaningful discussions, and provide referrals for additional services to 4000 male and female adolescents this year.


King Mswati applauded for appointing Senator Stuky Motsa, ensuring persons with albinism have a voice in Parliament

By Bongiwe Dlamini, Swaziland News, 14 June, 2024


MBABANE: Senator Stuky Motsa,the Director of Stuky Foundation has applauded King Mswati for ensuring that persons with albinism have a voice in Parliament.

Speaking to this Swaziland News on Friday as part of the International Albinism Awareness Day, the Senator said the King played a significant role in ensuring that issues of persons with albinism are taken seriously and prioritized in the country.

“We are very grateful to the King for the appointment and his decision to prioritize issues affecting persons with albinism. This resulted to the State taking issues of persons with albinism seriously as we had high profile people during the event”, said the Senator.

The event that was held at the Millennium Park-Manzini on Thursday was attended by, among others, Deputy Prime Minister Thulisile Dladla, Regional Administrator Prince Gija and Memory Zulu, the Project Coordinator for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) Regional Office for Southern Africa.

Others include Tamari Silindza from the United Nations Fund for Population Activities(UNFPA), Goodwill Dlamini,the Manzini Mayor, Bhekani Dlamini representing CANGO Director Thembinkosi Dlamini, Dr Ngcebo Mbuli, the Chairperson of the Disability Council and FODSWA President Bongani Makama.


Pimps target needy UNESWA students

By Mfanukhona Nkambule, eSwatini News, 15 June 2024


KWALUSENI: Due to life pressures, pimps are now targeting the University of Eswatini (UNESWA) students.

Motivated by the finder’s fees and also taking advantage of the students’ desperation, the pimps are understood to be now taking some of them to as far as Cape Town for the sex business.

They then return to the country with money for rent and food plus expensive iPhones, also wearing finer clothes, thus causing their peers to be envious of their happiness. Eswatini News can mention that the problem may not be limited to some students of the University of Eswatini, but it is a common thing in other tertiary institutions. However, this publication was able to get confirmations from UNESWA’s Student Representative Council (SRC).  

Bongumenzi Dlamini, the President of the SRC, said their research unearthed shocking findings. He suspected that certain men have some spirits, which were driving them to the university campuses to indulge in sexual intercourse with young women. This, he also suspected, they did to bolster their supernatural powers. Dlamini said some young women confided in them about male sexual fantasies they observed during their dates. He mentioned that some men performed such acts because of enchantment (betfwala). He said they were made to understand that there were many of these enchanting men preying on the UNESWA students. The SRC president said they were surprised at seeing old men driving posh cars to the university’s campuses.

To read more of this report, click here


ILO’s six recommendations to Kingdom of eSwatini

By Sibusiso Zwane, Times of eSwatini, 14 June 2024


MANZINI: The International Labour Conference has made six recommendations to Eswatini, which include an independent investigation into the murder of Human Rights Lawyer Thulani Maseko.

The recommendations were made by the International Labour Conference (ILC), which was hosted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland after the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini was examined by the committee on the Application of Standards (CAS) on alleged gross violation of Convention 87.  This convention is mainly about freedom of association and protection of the right to organise. The conference started on June 3, 2024, and the recommendations were made yesterday, following the appearance of Eswatini before the CAS on Monday afternoon.

When making the recommendations, the CAS said it took note of the oral and written information that was provided by government and the discussion that followed. It said it noted with deep concern the deteriorating state of public order and its negative impact on trade union rights in the country, as well as a culture of impunity for the perpetrators of crimes against trade unionists.

Taking into account the discussion, the committee urged government to take effective, urgent and time-bound measures refrain from violent treatment, intimidation or harassment, including judicial harassment, of leaders and members of trade unions in the education sector conducting lawful trade union activities, including the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) President, Mbongwa Dlamini, and Secretary General Lot Vilakati.

Again, the CAS recommended that government should release, quash convictions and drop all charges brought against individuals for having exercised lawful trade union activities and ensure the safe return home of all trade unionists living in exile, including the General Secretary of the Swaziland Transport, Communication and Allied Workers’ Union (SWATCAWU), Sticks Nkambule.

To read more of this report, click here


Thulani Maseko - honouring a brave defender of human rights murdered in eSwatini

By Takudzwa Pongweni, Daily Maverick (South Africa), 13 June 2024


“It is indeed an honour to be here to participate in an event which is named after a person who United Nations experts referred to as a pillar of human rights - for that, Thulani Maseko truly was.”

These were the words of John Jeffery, South Africa’s Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development.

Jeffery was speaking at a memorial lecture at the University of Pretoria's Centre for Human Rights in honour of one of its alumni, leading Swazi human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko, who was murdered in January 2023. The event was held in collaboration with the Thulani Maseko Foundation and Corruption Watch on Wednesday, 12 June.

“Thulani Maseko worked tirelessly for the protection of human rights, democracy and justice. We all know him as a respected human rights lawyer, and an advocate for human rights, democracy and constitutional reform.

“We think back with sorrow and also with deep respect to his life, and his untimely death in January last year. Thulani's death has resulted in renewed calls for accountability, transparency and urgency to bring the perpetrators to justice,” said Jeffery.

To read more of this report, click here


See also

We never ambushed, betrayed Govt at ILO - TUCOSWA



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