Friday 5 July 2024

Swaziland Newsletter No. 834 – 5 July 2024


Swaziland Newsletter No. 834 – 5 July 2024

News from and about Swaziland, compiled by Global Aktion, Denmark ( in collaboration with Swazi Media Commentary (, and sent to all with an interest in Swaziland - free of charge.

Doctors, Govt meeting ends in stalemate

By Nokuphila Haji, eSwatini Observer, 2 July 2024


Despite that government has asked doctors to allow them at least two more days to process on-call allowances, they have vowed not to work beyond their normal working hours.

The ministry of health and the doctors yesterday had a meeting to discuss the issue of the payment of on-call allowances, which took over six hours.

Doctors had previously undertaken to abandon overtime and on-call duty with effect from yesterday, promising to only work their normal hours.

Their issue is that government had reportedly failed to pay them their allowances.

During the meeting, this newspaper understands that government pleaded with the doctors to allow them until tomorrow to process their payments.

Government is said to have further asked the doctors to resume on-call duty while their allowances were processed.

“There is a stalemate. Doctors flatly refused the offer on the table, saying they want their money first before resuming on-calls,” a source told this newspaper. The ministry met with the on-call doctors committee which represented the over 300 doctors owed overtime allowances for the period between October 2023 to March.

The allowances were supposed to be included in their June salaries.

 The public health facilities that were anticipated to suffer from the stand-off included Mbabane Government Hospital, Hlatikhulu Government Hospital, Mankayane Government Hospital, Pigg’s Peak Government Hospital, Mkhuzweni health centre, Dvokolwako health centre and Matsanjeni health centre.

To read more of this report, click here,beyond%20their%20normal%20working%20hours.


Chief Gija: arrest those who charge for imiphakatsi stamps

By Mthunzi Mdluli, Times of eSwatini, 2 July 2024


MBABANE:  Following the public outcry on charging residents for imiphakatsi stamps, Chief Gija has called for the arrest of anyone who charged for the service.

The Manzini Regional Administrator (RA), Chief Gija, is also calling for the arrest of anyone who charges members of the public for other services, such as confirmation letters issued by the royal kraals. Recently, Ekutsimuleni residents, under the Mkhiweni Inkhundla, complained that they were not receiving government services brought by the Ministry of Home Affairs, last Thursday, because they did not have E100 to pay for the royal kraal stamp. This is not the first-time residents complained about being made to pay for royal kraal stamps.

It has been gathered that about 50 residents of Ekutsimuleni were affected on that day. Information gathered was to the effect that the E100 was paid towards the stamp, cartridge and paper. The royal kraal collected a sum of E5 000 from typing letters, alleged some of the residents. This means that those who do not have the E100, especially orphaned and vulnerable children (OVCs) and the elderly, will not get the necessary assistance. The less privileged have been hindered from getting government services since they are expected to pay the stamp fee. Masotja Magagula, who is a member of Ekutsimuleni Inner Council, confirmed that the royal kraal was charging residents for the royal kraal stamp and letters confirming that they belonged to the community.

To read more of this report, click here


eSwatini’s young leaders embrace Commonwealth Charter values

The Commonwealth, 1 July 2024


Young people who play leading roles throughout society in Eswatini, have been learning how values enshrined in the Commonwealth Charter can empower them to become ambassadors for democracy, peace, and sustainable development in their communities.

They came from diverse backgrounds, representing civil society, religious organisations, NGOs, youth advocacy groups and the business sector, to attend the two-day Commonwealth Charter workshop. Participants say they will pass on the knowledge and skills they have gained to their colleagues and peers.

Sakhile Nsibandze, who works with the Youth Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said:

“The interesting part about this workshop, for me, is how the youth are starting to understand the local system of governance, and how they can integrate it with the Commonwealth Charter, and how it would be helpful for them in their day-to-day lives.”

Lindokuhle Mahlalela, a young attendee, said: “I’ve been very impressed with how the workshop has been facilitated. The Commonwealth came with a different approach to dealing with our problems, as we know them intimately. The sort of questions they’ve been asking us are ‘how can you affect change?’ so it’s more about how they can guide us in using home-grown solutions to address not just one problem, but across the board.”

2023/2024 has been designated a ‘Year of the Youth‘ across the Commonwealth.

To read more of this report, click here


Near chaos as Bacede mobilises inmates to riot

By Kwanele Dlamini and Stanley Khumalo, Times of eSwatini, 1 July 2024


MBABANE: Chaos almost erupted at the Matsapha Maximum Prison when former MP Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza reportedly mobilised inmates to riot.

The former Hosea Member of Parliament (MP) is alleged to have accused Correctional officers of feeding inmates unpleasant food and started chanting political slogans.
Other inmates, according to the source, responded in like manner.  Mabuza also reportedly tried to attack a senior Correctional officer. It is said the situation was so tense such that the prison authorities had to call for reinforcement from recruits at the Correctional Services College, to quell the situation, which was seemingly getting out of hand.  Meanwhile, the inmates are said to have been ordered to go back to their cells with immediate effect.

The source said some inmates obeyed the order while others remained behind. However, according to the source, the inmates who had remained behind followed the others into the cells after realising that they might be in trouble. In the period of two years and 11 months that he has spent in custody, Mabuza has allegedly breached Correctional laws more than 10 times.  

There are, however, different versions on why Mabuza lost his cool on the fateful day. Another version was to the effect that on June 16, 2024, Mabuza wanted to use the telephone but was reportedly denied that privilege and he banged the receiver against the wall.

To read more of this report, click here


June 29, 2021 victims, survivors commemorate peacefully

By Joseph Zulu, Times Sunday, 30 June 2024


MANZINI: It was an emotion-filled day   as members of the democratic change movement commemorated the survivors and those who lost their lives during the civil unrest on June 29, 2021, peacefully yesterday.

This was despite the heavy security that was present over the past week on all major roads around the country, which culminated in drama unfolding at Siphofaneni on Friday morning, where members of the security forces raided homes of Siphofaneni Member of Parliament (MP) Nomalungelo LaZwide Simelane and former Senate Deputy President Ngomuyayona Gamedze, in the wee hours of morning. The event was organised by the Swaziland Massacre Victims and Survivors Association (SWAVISA). The event was held at Caritas, Manzini yesterday.

The heavy security presence continued yesterday, as members of the security forces engaged on random patrols around the country, a security surveillance helicopter was also spotted hovering over the venue where the commemoration was held. It is worth noting that despite the heavy security presence, things continued as usual in the busy city of Manzini, as people went about their business despite the anticipation and uncertainty that engulfed a majority of the public, as they anticipated yet another violent encounter between members of the public and security forces.

At the event, different political activists, including members of the People’s United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO), Swaziland Liberation Movement (SWALIMO), Swaziland National Union of Students (SNUS), joined in to commemorate the day, as well as pay their respects to those who lost their lives. The event which began vibrantly as the attendees sang political songs and danced, ended on a sad, teary and emotional note as all those present observed a moment of silence and lit candles in memory of those who lost their lives during the unrest.

The relatives and friends of all those who passed away during the unrest also wrote their names on a canvas in honour of their lives.  The survivors and the family members of those who could not be present during the event shared their testimony on the difficulties they have faced as a result of the various injuries they sustained during the unrest. Some of the victims mentioned that before the unrest, they lived better lives and had jobs, but that was no longer the cased as they could no longer provide for themselves and their families. A majority of the survivors put the blame on government for failing them, while others advocated for the truth to be told on what happened during the unrest.

To read more of this report, click here


Cops, warders, soldiers raid LaZwide, Ngoma’s homes

By Sabelo Ndzinisa, eSwatini News, 29 June 2024


SIPHOFANENI: Drama unfolded yesterday morning when the country’s law enforcers raided homes of Siphofaneni Member of Parliament (MP) Nomalungelo LaZwide Simelane and former Senate Deputy President Ngomuyayona Gamedze, under unclear reasons.

The raids, according to information gathered by the Eswatini News, happened in the early hours of yesterday morning, where armed police officers accompanied by soldiers and warders are said to have invaded the homes of the two mentioned politicians unannounced and without any search warrants.

They are alleged to have not only failed to produce search warrants when asked to do so, but are accused of  allegedly forcefully snatching away MP  LaZwide’s cellphone from her hand when she tried to record the incident.  According to the MP, the officers were not happy that the Siphofaneni legislator was taking pictures, as they were conducting the search and are said to have deleted the pictures after forcefully taking the cellphone from her. It has further been established that over 20 officers were part of the raids, while a helicopter was also spotted patrolling the Siphofaneni area during that period.

The invasion by the officers at the MP’s homestead is said to have caused terror among the children that were allegedly rudely forced to wake up from their beds, as early as 4am.

Upon seeing the officers armed with guns, some of the children are said to have taken to their heels before finding refuge in another house inside the compound, in fear of the unknown.

Interesting to note, is that soon after the raid, which is said to have lasted for over an hour, a heavy road-block was mounted along the route leading to the MP’s homestead, where cars passing by were searched. Noteworthy, is that officers from the three security forces conducted the roadblock. However, Acting Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Nosipho Mnguni made it clear that the raids in Siphofaneni were not targeted at the two mentioned politicians.“People should not be misled to believe that the raids were only conducted on the two (LaZwide and Ngomuyayona) because other homesteads were searched as well.“There is nothing sinister about the raids because we never announce them to the public anyway,” Mnguni stated briefly. The police communications officers could not comment on the concerns that the raids were conducted without search warrants, which is contrary to what was required by law.

The Station Commander at the Siphofaneni Police Station was also asked to comment on the raids, but he referred such inquiries to Mnguni. Some of the residents at KaMkhweli, where LaZwide resides, registered their disappointment at the raid, pointing out that it was deliberately staged to instil fear. “The children were made to go through the trauma of seeing soldiers carrying guns inside their home. “It is also disappointing to note that the officers could not produce search warrants when asked to do so, yet they continued to turn things upside down in the houses they entered. “I feel pity for the family,” one resident, who asked to remain anonymous said.

See also

Eswatini armed soldiers and police raided home of MP Nomalungelo Simelane (LaZwide) as Mswati’s government intensifies crackdown on pro-democracy activists on June 29 massacre commemoration

King Mswati’s security forces abducting pro-democracy activists ahead of June 29 massacre commemoration, helicopter deployed to conduct surveillance on MP Magawugawu Simelane’s home


Why did Tinkhundla cruel regime shutdown internet and ordered Times and Observer not to print and be in circulation on the June 29 massacre?

Opinion by Zweli Martin Dlamini, Swaziland News, 30 June, 2024


On the day of the June 29 [2021] massacre, the internet was switched-off, the Times and Eswatini Observer were ordered not to print newspapers as the army, the police and foreign mercenaries were busy killing innocent civilians.

We haven’t seen the journalists or editors filing complaints with international human rights organizations or explaining why the two (2) daily newspapers were ordered not to publish.

I remember receiving a call from a senior Manager of the MTN Group informing me that, as the mobile company, they wanted to release a press statement and clarify that, it was the Government through the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) that ordered the internet shutdown.

This was after Themba Masuku, the then Acting Prime Minister and outright liar who is currently languishing in the political dustbin, lied that the internet shutdown was caused by the damage of national infrastructure including the mobile company’s network infrastructure.

Indeed MTN Group, through its South African Office sent the press statement to this Swaziland News clarifying the matter, that’s what a reputable company does to protect its brand or reputation.

But, there was no clarification from the Times and Observer why the newspapers did not print or were not in circulation on the day of the massacre and the Times has been trying to convince the people to take it seriously and regard it as an independent publication.

This should be an eye opener that, the Tinkhundla cruel and undemocratic regime has enablers even within the media and it’s very unfortunate, journalism is not about being in the good books of a dictatorship regime.

I am not in the good books of the Tinkhundla cruel regime that kills innocent and I don’t need a political romance from this regime, in fact I want to see it overthrown as a matter of urgency.

Journalists who are expected to be the voice of the people were told to shut-up while soldiers, the police and Defense Principal Secretary Prince Sicalo’s alleged foreign mercenaries were killing innocent civilians like chickens in a butchery and with impunity.

I am particularly concerned with the conduct of the journalists and eager to know; what level of capture that allows a journalist to keep quiet while innocent civilians are being killed?.

Well, I remember when I started exposing SwaziPharm Director Kareem Ashraff regarding the health crisis.

One former Cabinet Minister who is a member of the royal family told me that; “Ashraff might bribe you to keep quiet” and I said “keeping quiet while patients die in public hospitals would mean I must just resign and leave journalism”.

Indeed and in my opinion, a journalist must be driven by a desire to be the voice of those powerless citizens who can’t speak for themselves and hold those in power accountable.

Clearly, we need an independent probe to ascertain why the Times and Observer were not in circulation on the day of the massacre, these newspapers were complicit in the killing of civilians and they owe the public an explanation.

To read more of this report, click here



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