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Thursday 10 October 2024

Swaziland Newsletter No. 848 – 11 October 2024


Swaziland Newsletter No. 848 – 11 October 2024

News from and about Swaziland, compiled by Global Aktion, Denmark ( in collaboration with Swazi Media Commentary (, and sent to all with an interest in Swaziland - free of charge.


eSwatini groups call for ‘hit list’ of game rangers accused of shooting poaching suspects with impunity

By Nokukhanya Musi, Voice of America, 8 October 2024


MBABANE: The main opposition party in Eswatini is compiling a “hit list” of game rangers in response to what it says are state-sanctioned murders of suspected poachers. Communities have been urged to assist in identifying rangers involved in the killings. As tensions mount over poaching-related deaths in Eswatini, the fear of violence looms large.

Although there is no definitive count of suspected poachers killed in Eswatini’s game parks, the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs estimates that dozens are slain each year.

However, Eswatini’s opposition parties allege hundreds of families have been impacted by these deaths and have called for a compilation of a game ranger “hit list.”

Velephi Mamba, treasurer general of main opposition party PUDEMO, one of the groups calling for possible violence against the rangers, said the news of the list of game rangers that was announced a week ago still stands. In fact, he said, it’s an ongoing issue. Mamba said his party request that all Swazis compile a list of the names of game rangers that are killing our people.

Amid the growing controversy, legislators and human rights activists in Eswatini recently demanded an urgent review of the Game Act of 1991. They say the law allows game rangers in the southern African kingdom to shoot suspected poachers in national parks with little or no consequence.

Human rights lawyer Sibusiso Nhlabatsi is among those calling for revision of the law. He said game rangers need to make greater efforts to arrest suspected poachers and bring them to court, rather than killing or torturing them.

To read more of this report, click here


eSwatini opposition leader discharged after alleged poisoning

TRT Afrika, 5 October 2024


Leader of an opposition group in Eswatini has been discharged from the hospital after what the group claims was an attempted assassination through poisoning.

Mlungisi Makhanya, president of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) made his first public appearance since the alleged poisoning during a Friday press briefing which also featured PUDEMO’s deputy president, Wandile Dludlu.

“Warm and revolutionary greetings to the Swazi nation and the progressive forces. We take this opportunity to officially update the nation and the world that our president Mlungisi Makhanya has been officially discharged from the hospital. We thank God, the medical team, and all those involved in his care,” Dludlu said.

“The president will now be carefully monitored by medical professionals in a secured place.”

Makhanya was reportedly poisoned by someone close to him, a political ally, according to PUDEMO.

The organization believes the poisoning is part of a broader conspiracy by the Eswatini regime to silence “pro-democracy advocates.”

South African Communist Party General Secretary Solly Mapaila called for the immediate arrest of the suspect.

To read more of this report, click here


Youth leads to protect the environment and create livelihoods

UN Development Program, 6 October 2024


With invaluable support from the GEF Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP), young people in Eswatini are leading and spearheading efforts to protect the environment and create sustainable livelihoods for themselves and women in their communities. To raise awareness and mobilise additional support for environmental initiatives aimed at reducing plastic waste – often found in rangelands and aquatic spaces, where it poses health risks to both humans and livestock – the Youth Sustainable Development Centre (YSDC) organised a field day at Millennium Park, Manzini, on October 3.

It brought together various youth- and women-led community organisations, and civil society organisations, all united in their commitment to showcase their innovative waste management initiatives. 

YSDC is one of 20 NGOs benefiting from a $20,000 GEF-SGP grant received by the Coordinating Assembly of NGOs (CANGO), aimed at building the capacity of local organisations to tackle plastic pollution using a circular economy approach. The GEF-SGP, established by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in 1992, supports communities and local civil society organisations (CSOs) in addressing critical environmental challenges. In Eswatini, the GEF-SGP was launched in 2021 and has since disbursed USD 635,000 to support 20 projects and develop the national programme strategy. UNDP has partnered with GEF to provide oversight and administrative support for the SGP.

Through the GEF-SGP grant, the YSDC is mobilising communities, especially the youth and women, to embrace waste management practices, including reducing, recycling, and reusing. Speaking at the event, YSDC Executive Director Nokuthula Mamba expressed her gratitude to the GEF-SGP, CANCO, and UNDP for supporting community-based organisations in driving innovation and waste management.  

Models showcasing outfits made from recycled waste. UNDP/Skhulile Shabalala

To read more of this report, click here


University of eSwatini closed amid failure by Government to release students’ allowances a few days after Chancellor King Mswati graced graduation

By Musa Mdluli, Swaziland News, 8 October, 2024


MBABANE: Lindiwe Nhlabatsi, the Acting Registrar of the University of Eswatini has announced the closure of the institution of higher learning, after students engaged in a protest this week demanding their delayed allowances from Government.

The closure of the University comes a few days after Chancellor King Mswati, an absolute Monarch, graced a Graduation Ceremony within the institution of higher learning.

But his Government has been systematically destroying the University by refusing to release allowances for students in time, while on the other hand, demonstrating reluctance to fund operations of the institution resulting to consistent delays in the payment of salaries for Lecturers and other workers.

“Following the continued class boycott at the Kwaluseni and Luyengo Campuses, the Senate has taken a decision to close the University with immediate effect as follows: Students are expected to vacate the University by 3.00pm today, Tuesday 8th October 2024”, reads the memo in part released by the Acting Registrar.

Eswatini is facing an education crisis, amid Government failure to fund education, even schools are facing shortage of teachers and working equipment.

See also

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Sex workers reveal shortage of condoms

By Bongiwe Dlamini, eSwatini Observer, 9 October 2024


SEX workers based in areas around Matsapha have revealed that there is a shortage of condoms in the location where they ply their trade.

As a result of this anomaly, they claimed they had resorted to sometimes reusing condoms.
They said they had been engaging in this risky behaviour for about two months now.

Although condoms are usually available even in public spaces like toilets and distributed, the sex workers attributed their behaviour to the lack of condoms close to their places of work.

According to some of the sex workers, condoms were usually availed to them by organisations such as Population Services International (PSI) and the Voice of Our Voices (VoOV).

The latter is a non-governmental organisation, whose mission is to build an effective long-term community response to issues faced by sex workers in Eswatini.

When asked why they did not go to any public toilet or health centre where the condoms were available, the workers said they did not have time to leave their places of work as they conduct trade even during the day.

Some said they did not have the money to travel from Matsapha to other places for the condoms or even HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).  The HIV PEP is a short course of HIV medicines that needs to be taken within three days after exposure to HIV to prevent the virus from taking hold in the body.

Explaining how they conduct their business under the circumstances, the sex workers said more often than not, they did not use protection, which they claimed to have communicated to their clients.

To read more of this report, click here


Cancer fears amid shortage of pap smear

By Nonduduzo Kunene, Times of eSwatini, 4 October 2024


LOBAMBA: More women are at risk of dying of late-diagnosed cervical cancer as public health facilities have not been conducting pap smears for over two years due to shortages of reagents.

Maseyisini Member of Parliament (MP) Nokuthula Dlamini has moved that the Minister of Health, Mduduzi Matsebula, shall investigate the shortage of reagents used to conduct pap smear. Pap smear is a procedure in which a small brush is used to gently remove cells from the surface of the cervix and the area around it so they can be checked under a microscope for cervical cancer or cell changes that may lead to cervical cancer.

The MP moved that the minister of Health initiated an investigation to ascertain the causes of shortages of critical drugs and medical consumables for theatre patients, which among others, are reagents for pap smears, sutures, bandages (primapore bandages), paracetamol IV adco and other related drugs and medical consumables for theatre patients. “The minister must be further directed to table a comprehensive report detailing findings and lasting solutions to address the shortages. The honourable minister should table the report within seven days after the adoption of the motion by the House,” she said.

To read more of this report, click here



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