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Thursday 17 October 2024

Swaziland Newsletter No. 849– 18 October 2024


Swaziland Newsletter No. 849– 18 October 2024

News from and about Swaziland, compiled by Global Aktion, Denmark ( in collaboration with Swazi Media Commentary (, and sent to all with an interest in Swaziland - free of charge.


People survive on boiled leaves - MP Marwick

By Phephile Motau, eSwatini Observer, 11 October 2024


LOBAMBA: Lomdzala Member of Parliament (MP) Marwick Khumalo says people are surviving on boiled leaves because of hunger.

The MP was speaking at the House of Assembly on Wednesday during the debate on a motion directed to the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Thuli Dladla on when they would start food distribution to the hungry Emaswati.

In her response, Dladla said food would be availed to 13 of the most vulnerable constituencies. She added that more rice would arrive in the country, and it would be distributed to 250 households per constituency.

The sentiments of the MP were shared by the DPM.  Khumalo said it was a fact that people were hungry. He said in their constituencies, people were calling everyday asking for food.

He said the contents of the DPM’s report were unacceptable as it was imperative that government reviewed the issue because Emaswati would accuse them of being uncaring.

“Unemployment rates have dramatically increased from 10 years ago and so have the poverty levels. People have lost their jobs more than in the past. We cannot then say food relief should be reduced,” he said.

Khumalo said the report was unacceptable, but the DPM should work with what she had. She said the process of distributing the food must be transparent and every MP should know what they would get to feed those in their constituencies.

Khumalo said the DPM should consider the matter when doing the supplementary budget.
“We are not being a welfare state, but it is our reality. People are boiling leaves, just to eat. The little we get must go to the people, but we want more, it is not enough,” Khumalo said.

He said he knew that the response of the DPM was based on available resources, but it was not even meeting half of the country’s requirements of food.

To read more of this report, click here


Divert all funds to address health crisis - MPs

By Nonduduzo Kunene, Times of eSwatini, 10 October 2024


LOBAMBA: Members of Parliament (MPs) have urged government to bring a loan Bill that will address the entire health crisis.

The legislators further called for the health crisis to be declared a disaster and that all funds should be diverted to deal with the crisis in the health system. The MPs noted that despite the E3 billion budget given to the Ministry of Health, there are still financial gaps that have to be filled by the budget, dating back to 10 years ago.  Lobamba Lomdzala MP Marwick Khumalo said there have been a number of loans that government has negotiated and approved by Parliament.  He stated that there was a point in time where government brought a loan Bill that was meant to address the health crisis because it dated back years ago.

The MP said the entire health system needs a revamp and a loan could address the challenges. The call for a loan Bill to address the health crisis was also supported by LaMgabhi MP Sicelo Jele. Mhlangatane MP Madala Mhlanga noted that the minister said he took some medical supplies that were out of stock at Mbabane Government Hospital from lithocholic to continue with dialysis at the referral hospital. He said the rob Peter to pay Paul system will not work in the health sector, hence the need for lasting solutions.Zombodze Emuva MP Ntando Mkhonta urged the ministry to also root out the corruption that engulfs the sector.  He said with the issues that have surfaced regarding the supply of medical drugs and supplies, the loan could be depleted by the corruption within the ministry.  He said before Parliament could pass the loan Bill, corruption in the ministry needed to be dealt with.

Meanwhile, there was tension and emotions in Parliament yesterday as the Minister of Health, Mduduzi Matsebula, gave an update on the renal dialysis, theatre services and CT scan challenges. The MPs have urged government to take up a loan that will address all the health issues and the minister to get rid of heads of department and senior officials who are sabotaging the health system. During the sitting, after the minister’s update, the MPs underlined some points of his update, among them being that he had a busy night sorting out the situation after he learnt through enquiries that were made by the media, the Times of Eswatini, in particular, about the halted dialysis and theatre services.

To read more of this report, click here

See also

Health crisis: nurses to march, petition PM, minister



King Mswati’s Tinkhundla undemocratic regime in the political Intensive Care Unit (ICU), now surviving from hand to month as health crisis worsens

Opinion by Zweli Martin Dlamini, Swaziland News, 12 October 2024


With almost all the critical institutions of the State in crisis, the Tinkhundla undemocratic regime is now in the political Intensive Care Unit(ICU) and chances of survival or recovery are very slim.

The education, health and fire sectors have literally collapsed of course, with demotivated and financially broke civil servants.

But on Thursday, Health Minister Mduduzi Matsebula invited journalists to take him pictures while he was off-loading a small truck with some equipment, in yet another systematic staged political propaganda as the health crisis worsens.

Matsebula appeared to be solving a life threatening situation after kidney failure patients approached journalists of this Swaziland News raising an alarm and this, was after the Ministry of Health told them that, they won’t receive medical treatment amid shortage of drugs and working equipment.

That patients have started to desperately contact journalists is a crisis on its own, patients must visit health institutions with confidence that they will receive health-care but, that is no-longer the case in this country.

Health Minister Mduduzi Matsebula was merely playing politics by inviting journalists when off-loading those few small boxes, very soon the dialysis shortage of equipment problem will erupt again.

In fact, that was a desperate move by the regime to blind and mislead the people as if enough working equipment and drugs have arrived, the health crisis is deeper than we can imagine and this regime in the political ICU.

In fact this regime has been for years, surviving through the alleged ignorance of those who oppose it, some of these Tinkhundla critics fight this autocratic government but, they normally stagger whenever the political ground becomes fertile to enable them to overthrow this undemocratic regime and take over the country.

Now, key State institutions that are the pillars of any country being the health and education have collapsed, not to mention the Fire Department.

This means if another political unrest could erupt with protesters burning structures again, the country is not well equipped to control that situation except to use guns in killing innocent protesting civilians.

I sometimes see political activists shouting “Viva” and ask myself if they understand that, what they have been fighting for is already in their hands.

A majority of emaSwati are financially broke, angry and frustrated and they know that King Mswati’s regime is the source or their plight, all they need now is proper and reputable leadership to usher them into a new democratic dispensation.

I am saying this because as the editor,I interact with almost everyone including the State Intelligence Unit where I normally monitor and source confidential State information, I am privileged to know things that others don’t know, that’s the privilege of being an investigative journalist.

This country is in serious trouble because almost everyone is angry and frustrated against the same Tinkhundla regime, others are working for the same Government but they are against it hence the leaking of sensitive information.

But, let me once again appeal for a political dialogue to resolve the ongoing political crisis, our country is being destroyed because King Mswati is the only human being with a monopoly to think in this country, Government exist to please him.

Before the health system collapsed, Mswati constructed his own Manzana Royal Hospital and further established a Fire Department within his Palaces ,emaSwati are on their own as the socio-economic situation worsens.

King Mswati has literally destroyed this country, the Tinkhundla regime will never announce that it has collapsed, only the intelligent will analyze that based on the collapsed critical State institutions.


Draconian laws contributing to GBV – women rights activists

By Sifiso Dlamini, eSwatini Observer, 15 October 2024


Parliamentarians and women rights activists say the country’s out-dated draconian laws are contributing towards perpetuating gender-based violence (GBV).

They have called for the speedy review of some of the country’s legislations such as the Marriage Act of 1964, Administration of Estate Act of 1902 and the Wills Act of 1955, among other out-dated legislations.

The need for the speedy review of the legislations was also raised during Sibaya, People’s Parliament, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Pholile Shakantu.

The former minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs said some of the country’s out-dated laws were no longer constitutional as they did not align with the Constitution of 2005.
The minister called for the review of the legislations in order to afford women equal rights to property.

Under the minister’s watch, government through the ministry of justice, piloted two notable bills in Parliament, being the Marriages Bill and Matrimonial Properties Bill, which sought to address some of the inconsistencies.

The proposed bills included provisions to abolish marital power held by husbands over their wives ability to contract and to litigate, as well as provisions for the equitable distribution and equal access of spouses to marital property.

The Marriages Act provides for only two grounds for divorce being adultery and witchcraft. However in the proposed Marriages Bill of 2022 which was piloted during the 11th Parliament, six new grounds for divorce were provided for, among which is impotence.

The National Health Service (NHS) defines impotence as erectile dysfunction, where a person becomes either unable to get an erection or unable to keep an erection for long enough to have sexual intercourse.

To read more of this report, click here


King Mswati’s trip with Zuma’s daughter costs taxpayers R200m

Report Focus News, 15 October 2024


King Mswati and Jacob Zuma daughter

King Mswati III of eSwatini’s upcoming overseas trip, including a visit to Italy, is estimated to cost taxpayers more than R200 million (£8.5 million), according to local media reports.

The king left the country on Sunday accompanied by his new wife, 21-year-old Inkhosikati Nomcebo Zuma, daughter of former South African President Jacob Zuma.

The Swaziland News reports that the costs include allowances for the royal delegation, private jet expenses, and spending money for the king and his wife. The royal couple will attend the World Food Forum in Italy before proceeding to other engagements.

When approached for comment, the king’s spokesperson, Percy Simelane, told local media that his office was not responsible for finances or allowances for the king and his delegation. He referred inquiries to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

King Mswati III married Nomcebo Zuma in July 2023, just months after first seeing her at a celebration last year. The marriage has drawn attention due to the connection with former South African President Jacob Zuma.

The cost of this trip is likely to reignite debate about royal expenses in eSwatini, where about 60% of the 1.2 million population lives below the poverty line. King Mswati III, 55, who is Africa’s last absolute monarch, has faced criticism in the past for his lavish lifestyle amid widespread poverty in the country.

Local sources suggest that members of Zuma’s family have been included in the delegation, allegedly to ensure the young wife doesn’t feel lonely during the trip. However, this has not been officially confirmed.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Affairs Minister, Pholile Dlamini-Shakantu, who is part of the king’s delegation, were unavailable for comment at the time of reporting.



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Thursday 10 October 2024

Swaziland Newsletter No. 848 – 11 October 2024


Swaziland Newsletter No. 848 – 11 October 2024

News from and about Swaziland, compiled by Global Aktion, Denmark ( in collaboration with Swazi Media Commentary (, and sent to all with an interest in Swaziland - free of charge.


eSwatini groups call for ‘hit list’ of game rangers accused of shooting poaching suspects with impunity

By Nokukhanya Musi, Voice of America, 8 October 2024


MBABANE: The main opposition party in Eswatini is compiling a “hit list” of game rangers in response to what it says are state-sanctioned murders of suspected poachers. Communities have been urged to assist in identifying rangers involved in the killings. As tensions mount over poaching-related deaths in Eswatini, the fear of violence looms large.

Although there is no definitive count of suspected poachers killed in Eswatini’s game parks, the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs estimates that dozens are slain each year.

However, Eswatini’s opposition parties allege hundreds of families have been impacted by these deaths and have called for a compilation of a game ranger “hit list.”

Velephi Mamba, treasurer general of main opposition party PUDEMO, one of the groups calling for possible violence against the rangers, said the news of the list of game rangers that was announced a week ago still stands. In fact, he said, it’s an ongoing issue. Mamba said his party request that all Swazis compile a list of the names of game rangers that are killing our people.

Amid the growing controversy, legislators and human rights activists in Eswatini recently demanded an urgent review of the Game Act of 1991. They say the law allows game rangers in the southern African kingdom to shoot suspected poachers in national parks with little or no consequence.

Human rights lawyer Sibusiso Nhlabatsi is among those calling for revision of the law. He said game rangers need to make greater efforts to arrest suspected poachers and bring them to court, rather than killing or torturing them.

To read more of this report, click here


eSwatini opposition leader discharged after alleged poisoning

TRT Afrika, 5 October 2024


Leader of an opposition group in Eswatini has been discharged from the hospital after what the group claims was an attempted assassination through poisoning.

Mlungisi Makhanya, president of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) made his first public appearance since the alleged poisoning during a Friday press briefing which also featured PUDEMO’s deputy president, Wandile Dludlu.

“Warm and revolutionary greetings to the Swazi nation and the progressive forces. We take this opportunity to officially update the nation and the world that our president Mlungisi Makhanya has been officially discharged from the hospital. We thank God, the medical team, and all those involved in his care,” Dludlu said.

“The president will now be carefully monitored by medical professionals in a secured place.”

Makhanya was reportedly poisoned by someone close to him, a political ally, according to PUDEMO.

The organization believes the poisoning is part of a broader conspiracy by the Eswatini regime to silence “pro-democracy advocates.”

South African Communist Party General Secretary Solly Mapaila called for the immediate arrest of the suspect.

To read more of this report, click here


Youth leads to protect the environment and create livelihoods

UN Development Program, 6 October 2024


With invaluable support from the GEF Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP), young people in Eswatini are leading and spearheading efforts to protect the environment and create sustainable livelihoods for themselves and women in their communities. To raise awareness and mobilise additional support for environmental initiatives aimed at reducing plastic waste – often found in rangelands and aquatic spaces, where it poses health risks to both humans and livestock – the Youth Sustainable Development Centre (YSDC) organised a field day at Millennium Park, Manzini, on October 3.

It brought together various youth- and women-led community organisations, and civil society organisations, all united in their commitment to showcase their innovative waste management initiatives. 

YSDC is one of 20 NGOs benefiting from a $20,000 GEF-SGP grant received by the Coordinating Assembly of NGOs (CANGO), aimed at building the capacity of local organisations to tackle plastic pollution using a circular economy approach. The GEF-SGP, established by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in 1992, supports communities and local civil society organisations (CSOs) in addressing critical environmental challenges. In Eswatini, the GEF-SGP was launched in 2021 and has since disbursed USD 635,000 to support 20 projects and develop the national programme strategy. UNDP has partnered with GEF to provide oversight and administrative support for the SGP.

Through the GEF-SGP grant, the YSDC is mobilising communities, especially the youth and women, to embrace waste management practices, including reducing, recycling, and reusing. Speaking at the event, YSDC Executive Director Nokuthula Mamba expressed her gratitude to the GEF-SGP, CANCO, and UNDP for supporting community-based organisations in driving innovation and waste management.  

Models showcasing outfits made from recycled waste. UNDP/Skhulile Shabalala

To read more of this report, click here


University of eSwatini closed amid failure by Government to release students’ allowances a few days after Chancellor King Mswati graced graduation

By Musa Mdluli, Swaziland News, 8 October, 2024


MBABANE: Lindiwe Nhlabatsi, the Acting Registrar of the University of Eswatini has announced the closure of the institution of higher learning, after students engaged in a protest this week demanding their delayed allowances from Government.

The closure of the University comes a few days after Chancellor King Mswati, an absolute Monarch, graced a Graduation Ceremony within the institution of higher learning.

But his Government has been systematically destroying the University by refusing to release allowances for students in time, while on the other hand, demonstrating reluctance to fund operations of the institution resulting to consistent delays in the payment of salaries for Lecturers and other workers.

“Following the continued class boycott at the Kwaluseni and Luyengo Campuses, the Senate has taken a decision to close the University with immediate effect as follows: Students are expected to vacate the University by 3.00pm today, Tuesday 8th October 2024”, reads the memo in part released by the Acting Registrar.

Eswatini is facing an education crisis, amid Government failure to fund education, even schools are facing shortage of teachers and working equipment.

See also

UNESWA a national asset - King

Lame game erupts over stalled E450m UNESWA project


Sex workers reveal shortage of condoms

By Bongiwe Dlamini, eSwatini Observer, 9 October 2024


SEX workers based in areas around Matsapha have revealed that there is a shortage of condoms in the location where they ply their trade.

As a result of this anomaly, they claimed they had resorted to sometimes reusing condoms.
They said they had been engaging in this risky behaviour for about two months now.

Although condoms are usually available even in public spaces like toilets and distributed, the sex workers attributed their behaviour to the lack of condoms close to their places of work.

According to some of the sex workers, condoms were usually availed to them by organisations such as Population Services International (PSI) and the Voice of Our Voices (VoOV).

The latter is a non-governmental organisation, whose mission is to build an effective long-term community response to issues faced by sex workers in Eswatini.

When asked why they did not go to any public toilet or health centre where the condoms were available, the workers said they did not have time to leave their places of work as they conduct trade even during the day.

Some said they did not have the money to travel from Matsapha to other places for the condoms or even HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).  The HIV PEP is a short course of HIV medicines that needs to be taken within three days after exposure to HIV to prevent the virus from taking hold in the body.

Explaining how they conduct their business under the circumstances, the sex workers said more often than not, they did not use protection, which they claimed to have communicated to their clients.

To read more of this report, click here


Cancer fears amid shortage of pap smear

By Nonduduzo Kunene, Times of eSwatini, 4 October 2024


LOBAMBA: More women are at risk of dying of late-diagnosed cervical cancer as public health facilities have not been conducting pap smears for over two years due to shortages of reagents.

Maseyisini Member of Parliament (MP) Nokuthula Dlamini has moved that the Minister of Health, Mduduzi Matsebula, shall investigate the shortage of reagents used to conduct pap smear. Pap smear is a procedure in which a small brush is used to gently remove cells from the surface of the cervix and the area around it so they can be checked under a microscope for cervical cancer or cell changes that may lead to cervical cancer.

The MP moved that the minister of Health initiated an investigation to ascertain the causes of shortages of critical drugs and medical consumables for theatre patients, which among others, are reagents for pap smears, sutures, bandages (primapore bandages), paracetamol IV adco and other related drugs and medical consumables for theatre patients. “The minister must be further directed to table a comprehensive report detailing findings and lasting solutions to address the shortages. The honourable minister should table the report within seven days after the adoption of the motion by the House,” she said.

To read more of this report, click here



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Friday 4 October 2024

Swaziland Newsletter No. 847 – 4 October 2024


Swaziland Newsletter No. 847 – 4 October 2024

News from and about Swaziland, compiled by Global Aktion, Denmark ( in collaboration with Swazi Media Commentary (, and sent to all with an interest in Swaziland - free of charge.


[South Africa] High court dismisses defamation case involving King Mswati

By Tshwarelo Mogakane, Sunday World (South Africa), 1 October 2024


The Mpumalanga High Court has dismissed a court battle linked to Eswatini King Mswati III.

The Mbombela division of the Mpumalanga High Court has dismissed a significant part of a defamation case brought on behalf of King Mswati III.

Themba Masuku, a former acting prime minister of eSwatini, filed a lawsuit against Zweli Martin Dlamini, the editor of the South African-based online publication Swaziland News.

Masuku sought a mandatory interdict that would have forced Swaziland News to provide the eSwatini government with at least seven days’ notice before publishing any future articles critical of the monarchy, alleging defamation in their reporting.

This would have given the government the opportunity to stall news reporting, effectively imposing prior restraint on the media outlet.

The articles in question, published between August 2020 and December 2022, accused the king, Masuku, and other officials of corruption, fraud, and unethical behaviour.

They included a claim that Masuku’s wife looted R200 000 during an international trip.

While the court acknowledged that the articles were defamatory, it ruled that Masuku did not have the legal standing to bring the case on behalf of his wife or King Mswati.

Judge Johannes Roelofse made it clear that the individuals directly affected should have pursued the matter themselves.

“The minister was not defamed. Perhaps his spouse was. None of the minister’s personal rights were infringed,” Roelofse said in his ruling.

“Therefore, the minister has not established an infringement of his personal rights and is not entitled to interdictory relief.”

Similarly, the court ruled that King Mswati III should have brought the case himself. Roelofse noted that Masuku could not represent the king in a South African court.

Initially, the court had granted an interim order in favour of the Swaziland government, which required Swaziland News to provide 72 hours’ notice before publishing any content critical of the monarchy.

This temporary relief was granted while the court considered the merits of the final judgment.

However, Masuku’s request for a permanent seven-day notice period was ultimately rejected.

“I granted an interim order in favour of the minister … as the balance of convenience favoured the Eswatini government while I was considering what final relief [if any] to grant,” explained Roelofse.

Separation of powers

However, the court rejected the Eswatini government’s attempt to declare Swaziland News’s actions as terrorism, with Roelofse ruling that such a declaration would breach the principle of separation of powers and amount to a conviction without trial.

“To declare that the respondents have committed acts of terrorism … would not only offend the principle of separation of powers but also convict the respondents without a fair trial,” he said.

The case underscored the balance between media freedom and defamation, with Swaziland News editor Dlamini maintaining that his outlet was exercising its right to report critically on the government.

Roelofse concluded by reaffirming the need for the publication to comply with the press code.

He also rejected the majority of Masuku’s requests for relief, including the one for a seven-day notice period.


We are a broken people

By Melusi Matsenjwa, Times of eSwatini, 30 September 2024


THE ever-rising statistics of gender-based violence, even after numerous campaigns and the much-celebrated enactment of the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act, are a serious cause for concern.

he latter development was seen as the perfect panacea to the worrying trends of GBV; many were convinced that the tough ramifications that came with this piece of legislation would arrest the situation through the double-edged sword effect of deterrence and punishment.

Six years later, our girls and women are still being raped, beaten and killed while many boys and men suffer in silence. Of course, it will not take six years to rectify social ills of generations but we can be forgiven to have high expectations of a major behavioural change in our people after all the interventions that have been made.

This, in my view, points to deeper underlying issues in society that need the attention of everyone, especially our leaders. It is becoming increasingly clear that we are an angry, disillusioned society. Both our men and women are struggling in many areas of their lives and are failing to deal with issues. We are not at all a happy people and our mental health issues are manifesting in destructive behaviours.

In this country, as it is right now, it takes an extremely optimistic person to see any light at the end of the tunnel. With the economy performing as badly as it is right now, with the huge inequality and poverty; the only light many are seeing is that of an oncoming train. What further compounds that is the glaring lack of vision and a sense of duty within our leadership. We only see career leaders, hell-bent on keeping their jobs and so detached from the suffering of the people. Our leaders have demonstrated a confused, reactionary leadership that has a strong aversion to consultation.

If this state of affairs persists, our problems as a country will spiral out of control. Our leadership needs to think creatively about how we can foster social cohesion going forward. We need to see how we build our country, starting from the primary source of socialisation; the family. The nation can benefit hugely from a ‘Social Cohesion Indaba’ that will begin analysing our society from that basic unit of society; the family, to see where we are losing it as a nation.

To read more of this, click here


 LGBTQ advocates struggle for visibility in eSwatini

By Nokukhanya Musi, Voice of America, 27 September 2024


FILE - People take part in Eswatini's first gay pride demonstration in Mbabane, June 30, 2018. Human rights lawyer Sibusiso Nhlabatsi says the harsh legal environment for LGBTQ people in the kingdom causes significant problems for them.

MBABANE: Eswatini Sexual and Gender Minorities, an LGBTQ advocacy group, was denied registration by authorities in 2019, and even after seeking relief from the Supreme Court, which had ruled the group must be registered, its efforts have been unsuccessful.

Human rights lawyer Sibusiso Nhlabatsi said the harsh legal environment for LGBTQ individuals in the southern African kingdom causes significant problems.

“There is denial that they exist, so they do not have any form of protection as a group,” Nhlabatsi said. “They only rely on protection from the law or enjoyment of any rights from the law as human beings under Chapter 3 of our Bill of Rights of our Constitution. So I can say it’s quite challenging, because there’s no instrument that seeks to protect them. There’s no instrument that seeks to recognize them as a group of people that exist. I don’t think there’s any progress that has been made.”

Besides the lack of legal recognition, LGBTQ individuals in Eswatini often face discrimination in gaining access to services, high rates of intimate partner violence, and exclusion from public discussions.

Sisanda Mavimbela, executive director of Eswatini Sexual and Gender Minorities, said the idea of LGBTQ rights is considered contradictory to traditional African values and religious beliefs, perpetuating a climate of exclusion and marginalization.

“The community cannot equally enjoy rights like all Swazis do, as per their birthright," Mavimbela said. ESGM has been denied "a right to associate, which is a right to all Swazis as per the Constitution.”

Eswatini is also known by its former official name, Swaziland.

In the LGBTQ community, “justice comes hard and sometimes is not reached at all,” for what are usually quoted as "non-African, unreligious or cultural” reasons, Mavimbela said.

To read more of this, click here


Threats of more deaths, witchcraft at Mananga

By Bongumusa Simelane, eSwatini Observer, 28 September 2024


Residents of Nhlanguyavuka and surrounding areas have declared war on those who are stealing and further robbing them of their dagga.

This comes after the residents this week apprehended four people who were accused of robbing some dagga farmers of their dagga where there was a dramatic chase.

This resulted in two people  being dead due to the injuries they sustained after the assault. Some of the dagga farmers said residents had already declared that they were sick and tired of people who would come to them and pretend as if they were customers and later rob them of their dagga.

One of the dagga farmers said they would continue to be vicious against anyone who tried to rob them because as dagga farmers, they were not stealing from anyone, but were just trying to earn a living as there are no jobs. He mentioned that as dagga farmers, they would ensure that whoever tried the same stunt will be dealt with.

“We are working hard in the dagga fields and then there are people who will just come and rob us. That is why we say we will never let our hard work easily vanish due to thieves,” said one of the farmers.

What also angered some farmers is that they allegedly got wind that some relatives of one of the deceased had threatened everyone who had a hand in the death of their family members, that they would make sure that through witchcraft they also die.

This, the farmers said, will not end well because they were the ones who were provoked. One dagga farmer even stated that if it calls for them to die for their hard work, then let it be, but they will never easily surrender their dagga to thieves.

They said the problem was that they have been robbed a number of times by thieves and some of them were able to get away with it.

The farmers said they had taken the decision to ensure that they dealt with the criminals who steal their dagga. One even acknowledged that dagga-growing was illegal, but maintained that as long as they were not stealing from anyone or causing any social problem in the community, they would be left with no choice, but to grow it to be able to feed their families.

It could be noted that the area is one of the well-known dagga growing areas in the Northern Hhohho region, and most farmers enjoy the fact that they are closer to the border, where their valuable market is found.

The residents also highlighted the plight of unemployment and said people had no other alternative means of earning a living, hence they then ventured into dagga growing. They stated that most people ended up in the dagga trade despite the challenges they face, including that of being robbed.

To read more of this, click here

See also

Dagga thieves brutally assaulted, paraded naked, 1 shot dead


Get a Load of This Saga of Corruption and Intrigue in Eswatini

Kudos to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists for exposing the country’s role in the underground money-shuffling industry.

By Charles P. Pierce, Esquire Magazine, 28 September 2024


In 1968, the British High Commission territory of Swaziland became an independent monarchy called Eswatini—at which point it pretty much disappeared into a thousand crossword puzzles. However, in recent years, the international money power has discovered Eswatini as a place where it can do its mischief. The good people at the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists covered the waterfront in that small place and found something that was half Joseph Conrad and half Goldman Sachs. The ICIJ reporters were working through a massive leak of 890,000 documents that outlined Eswatini’s role in the worldwide underground money-shuffling industry, and the steps the monarchy has taken to make sure democracy doesn’t break out there and screw up the whole business.

There is little that sets apart the All Nations Christian Church in Zion from the countless other churches that have mushroomed across the country in recent years. Outside the main church hall—a building resembling an industrial warehouse—we met the “archbishop,” Bheki Lukhele. Lukhele is a stocky, affable man with a disarmingly gappy smile. But his overly protective bodyguards were odd for someone who’s supposedly just a middling man of God. Perhaps, I thought at the time, they were a sign of someone who wanted to keep scrutiny of his earthly activities at bay.

Inside the cavernous hall, churchgoers swayed in song or spoke in tongues as one particularly irritable bodyguard tried to swat away ICIJ’s photographer. Presumably, the congregants had no clue that the humble church and its leader were conduits for millions of dollars. That’s why we were there—to see firsthand the scene that Swazi authorities had flagged as a key node in complex transactions involving politically connected figures in Eswatini and across the border in South Africa. The authorities determined that the transactions were suspicious and potentially unlawful.

Then there are the banks.

“We had come to Bulembu to find a new bank that, bizarrely, had opened in a town with an almost non-existent economy. Again, what we saw was unremarkable: a modest, freshly painted building. Inside were brand-new steel waiting room benches and counters. It looked like any other bank, but the story behind it was full of intrigue. The bank existed in limbo amid an ongoing tussle between its shadowy Canadian founders and Swazi authorities who were concerned about the lack of transparency around the bank’s ownership and were demanding answers about the source of its funding. Our Swazi Secrets investigation revealed the political interests behind the bank, questionable money flows, and the opaque role of a controversial and highly litigious Canadian property developer”—John Asfar.

The ICIJ has been publishing on Eswatini since at least April. For example, there is the “special economic zone,” which seems to exist only as the spin cycle for gold.

The “brainchild” of Eswatini’s king, Mswati III, and his “insatiable desire to help stimulate economic growth,” as one press release put it, the SEZ was meant to be an oasis for new business. Instead, grass and weeds are slowly reclaiming vacant plots. Wide, empty boulevards go nowhere, lined with streetlights that aren’t in operation. One lone building—a multistory government office complex—stands in a surreal ghost land of nearly 400 acres. There are no remnants of the vibrant community where Motsa once lived. And there’s nothing pointing to the businesses that, on paper at least, are based here: mysterious gold refineries channeling millions of dollars to Dubai.

Ostensibly, the SEZ is home to two gold refineries: Mint of Eswatini Pty. Ltd. and RME Bullion Pty. Ltd. Neither of these refineries existed, however.

Mint of Eswatini was a shell through which millions of dollars in suspicious transactions flowed, and RME was suspected of being a link in an illicit gold trading operation. Leaked documents reveal that Eswatini’s authorities were concerned that the gold refining companies were exploiting the SEZ’s loopholes to evade taxes, illegally move money abroad, or potentially move illicit money through the kingdom.

Rather than drawing in productive investment and spurring economic growth, the SEZ may have turned the country into a hub for money laundering, the central bank and EFIU feared. The activities of two figures close to the king concerned the EFIU: Swazi jeweler Keenin Schofield, one of King Mswati III’s sons-in-law, who was once found guilty of and fined for diamond smuggling, and Alistair Mathias, a secretive and politically connected Canadian businessman involved in gold trading and construction.

It is a sprawling saga of corruption and intrigue. Crooks marrying into the royal family. Former rugby internationals who later got into smuggling and carried the nickname “Mr. Gold.” And Dubai in the middle of the whole thing—which is the least surprising thing of all.



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