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Friday 19 July 2024

Swaziland Newsletter No. 836 – 19 July 2024


Swaziland Newsletter No. 836 – 19 July 2024

News from and about Swaziland, compiled by Global Aktion, Denmark ( in collaboration with Swazi Media Commentary (, and sent to all with an interest in Swaziland - free of charge.

eSwatini pro-democracy MPs sentenced for murder, ‘terrorism’

By AFP (Agence France Presse), 15 July 2024


A court in Eswatini sentenced two pro-democracy lawmakers to 25 and 18 years in jail on Monday for “terrorism” and murder related to 2021 protests in Africa's last absolute monarchy.

The former members of parliament had pleaded innocent to all counts ahead of their conviction last year, almost two years after they were arrested on accusations of having incited unrest.

A judge at the High Court in the capital Mbabane sentenced Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza to 25 years and Mthandeni Dube to 18 years in jail.

“I have considered the fact that you were remorseful throughout the trial and that is the reason I will give you a lesser sentence,” she said.

Mabuza and Dube were arrested in July 2021 during pro-democracy protests that were violently quashed by security forces, leaving dozens dead.

They had advocated for reforms to a complex system of non-party elections that effectively ensures King Mswati III faces no meaningful dissent.

According to a Human Rights Watch report in 2023, the murder conviction relates to the deaths of two men hit by a car on June 29, 2021, at a roadblock during the protests.

A lawyer for the pair said they were not present.

Mswati, who has ruled since 1986, wields absolute power in the small kingdom of around 1.2 million people, most of whom live in poverty.

The 56-year-old can veto any legislation, appoints the prime minister and cabinet, and is constitutionally above the law.

The South African-based pro-democracy Swaziland Solidarity Network said the sentences against Mabuza and Dube were “ridiculous” and praised the men as “freedom fighters”.

The Swaziland Liberation Movement said it was appalled by the sentences which appeared to “silence” members of parliament.


Authorities must quash convictions and sentences of former MPs

Amnesty International, 16 July 2024


Following the sentencing of former Eswatini Members of Parliament Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza to 85 years and Mthandeni Dube to 58 years in prison, with effective sentence terms of 25 years and 18 years respectively due to concurrent sentences, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, Vongai Chikwanda, said: 

“Eswatini authorities must immediately quash the unjust and baseless convictions and sentences of the former members of parliament. Their convictions and sentences stem solely from the peaceful exercise of their human rights. 

“Authorities must immediately and unconditionally release Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube and end this travesty of justice and blatant attempt to suppress peaceful dissent. 

“Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube have been arbitrarily detained since their arrest during pro-democracy protests in 2021. They have been subjected to a prolonged legal process characterized by baseless charges under the Suppression of Terrorism Act and Sedition and Subversive Activities Act. The former members of parliament were prosecuted for calling for political reform in Eswatini. 

To read more of this statement, click here


Convicted eSwatini pro-democracy MPs Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube collectively sentenced to six-eight (68) years in prison for demanding democracy. Picture: Swaziland News

The heavy sentence on our MPs will not derail our quest for freedom

Media Statement, SWALIMO, Swati Newsweek, 16 July 2024,


The Swaziland Liberation Movement (SWALIMO) is appalled by the heavy sentencing on the former Members of Parliament, Hon. Bacede and Mthandeni to a collective 68 years.

The constitutional provision of freedom of speech and consciousness has been violated by the courts of this country through this sentencing. It is further clear that the independence of Parliament has been compromised leaving the nation with nothing else but to conclude that the sentencing is meant to silence Members of Parliament.

This is further proof that there is no rule of law in Eswatini. SWALIMO has been constrained to the hope that sanity will prevail as an organization that regards the rule of law to be supreme, however, this sentencing has confirmed that the Tinkhundla system is always ready to go against the law of the land.

SWALIMO calls on all Emaswati in all their diverse associations to unite and do the neccessary in solidarity with the former MPs. Injustice to them is injustice to all of us and as a nation we must apply all means available to show our indictnation.

Swaziland will be free eventually and we all need to wait with breasted hopes for the day of freedom where all our tears will wiped away.

Issued by: Thantaza N Silolo

SWALIMO Spokesperson.

See also

Shame on you Judge Mumcy Dlamini for convicting innocent MPs based on false accusations, a prostitute can never be trusted with the administration of justice

PUDEMO condemns sentencing of pro-democracy MPs Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube, says judiciary used to silence dissenting views.

COSATU calls for sanctions against eSwatini for sentencing MPs calling for democracy to 68 years in prison


Ministry of Health drugs shortage alleged thief businesswoman Zinhle Matsebula in Central Bank multibillion Financial Intelligence leaked suspicious transactions

By Zweli Martin Dlamini, Swaziland News, 16 July, 2024 


MBABANE: Zinhle Matsebula, the businesswoman whose name features prominently in the Ministry of Health multibillion drugs shortage scandal, was allegedly investigated by the Central Bank of Eswatini (CBE) Financial Intelligence Unit for alleged suspicious transactions.

This is contained in the leaked documents from the Eswatini Financial Intelligence Unit (EFIU), the documents in possession of this Swaziland News were leaked to a team of international journalists including this publication.

A report from the Financial Intelligence Unit suggests that Matsebula, who was working for the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial (RFM) Hospital, was banking with the First National Bank(FNB) since March 2010.

But the bank is alleged to have forwarded a report to the Central Bank for possible investigation after detecting suspicious transactions from different accounts.

“Zinhle Matsebula is employed by the RFM hospital as a nurse. The client has been banking with FNB since March 2010 and she has another account linked to her in the name of Zimpa Investement pty ltd. Client's transactional behaviour in the personal account is suspicious in that often receives cash deposits and electronic payments from different accounts which we do not know the purpose of the transactions. The transactional activity suggests that she is running a small business and managing its finances using the personal account. She also makes regular payments to an account referenced Total Life”, reads the report in part.

The report further suggests that, Matsebula, while working for the RFM Hospital was suspected of secret dealings but she was disguising with a small business she operated through her personal bank account.

The businesswoman was later implicated in the drugs shortage scandal after she allegedly colluded with SwaziPharm Director Kareem Ashraff to establish Lifespan Pharmaceuticals and other companies that were allegedly used to loot millions of public funds resulting to shortage of drugs in public hospitals.

Businesswoman Zinhle Matsebula denied any involvement in the widely reported drugs shortage scandal.

On another note,the thousands of leaked documents in possession of this Swaziland News and other international journalists include reports from the Eswatini Financial Intelligence Unit(EFIU) and suspicious transactions for politicians, businesspeople, private and public companies including ordinary citizens who are suspected of money laundering.


We’re ready with alternative remedies for patients - tinyanga

By Bongumusa Simelane, eSwatini Observer, 18 July 2024


In the face of the drug shortage in public health facilities in the country, traditional healers have raised their hands and want to come in and help the nation with natural herbs in a bid to salvage the situation.

This comes after an ongoing public outcry over the country’s worsening health crisis, which has seen many Emaswati having to fork out their hard earned money to purchase different types of medication in private pharmacies due to the lack or non-availability of medication in public hospitals and clinics.  

Following that, some traditional healers have come out to claim that they can assist Emaswati by treating some of their illnesses using traditional herbs or medicine.

One of the traditional healers, who has vouched for African medicine, was Dr Malayini Matsebula, who said as traditional healers they have a lot to offer in the face of the drug crisis in the country.

Matsebula said traditional healers do have medication that can help in the treating of most of the ailments that the public usually suffers from. He stated that some of the medication that is offered in health facilities is derived from plants or herbs that they also use to treat illnesses.

“The problem is that some people lack knowledge on such things and this is attributed to by religious beliefs and other factors. As traditional healers we heal people from a lot of sicknesses which are also treated in hospitals, but people tend to look down upon tradition healers due to lack of knowledge about what they can actually do,” he said.

Matsebula said sometimes some pastors would preach against the use of herbs yet some of them come to them secretly to seek for assistance. He stated that such behaviour should be done away with because it puts the lives of Emaswati at risk. He said Emaswati needed knowledge about the use of traditional medicine and to differentiate between witchcraft and traditional healing.  

In addition, he said despite that, some people do come to seek for help from traditional healers and they get treated of their illnesses. He said it was not a good thing that as traditional healers they would be reduced to just being gate keepers when it comes to the use of traditional medicine.

He added that despite that, some people do come to consult with them whenever they are sick and they get treated effectively. He said traditional healing was just a calling just like being a doctor in a hospital. Matsebula stated that as traditional healers they wish to see western doctors cooperating with them in this field of medicine.

To read more of this report, click here


Schools food crisis: Some pupils steal lunch boxes

By Sithembile Hlatshwayo, edited from Times of eSwatini print edition, 18 July 2024 

MBABANE: The food crisis in schools has reached alarming levels, where some learners have resorted to stealing from their peers and bullies forcefully grabbing lunch boxes.

So serious is the situation such that some schools have resorted to seeking monetary contributions and mealie-meal in an effort to mitigate the situation. Early this year, Edlozini Primary School pupils were asked to contribute mealie-meal to the school feeding scheme. Also Mnyokane Primary School asked pupils to provide sugar from home. This was after the school was only left with maize-meal.

Currently, there are 600 primary schools in the country.

In a most recent case, Mater Dolorosa (MDS) Primary School reached out to parents to make contributions to buy food, as the government supply ration has significantly declined.

This was during an urgent food crisis meeting, which was held at the school yesterday.

The parents were called to the urgent meeting and turned out in numbers, such that the hall was full to its capacity and some people had to listen from outside.

Following a number of suggestions which were made by the parents, the school chose to go with the money contributions, as more parents voted for that idea. Other suggestions included a vegetable garden and poultry farming.

The Head teacher of the school, Thabo Nkambule, said the food supply which they received from government had significantly declined.



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