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Friday 6 September 2024

Swaziland Newsletter No. 843 – 6 September 2024

 Swaziland Newsletter No. 843 – 6 September 2024

News from and about Swaziland, compiled by Global Aktion, Denmark ( in collaboration with Swazi Media Commentary (, and sent to all with an interest in Swaziland - free of charge.

Daughter of South Africa’s ex-president Zuma to be eSwatini king’s 16th wife

By Rachel Savage and agencies, The Guardian (UK), 3 September 2024


Engagement of Nomcebo Zuma, 21, to King Mswati, 56, confirmed at annual Umhlanga reed dance

A daughter of the former South African president Jacob Zuma and the king of Eswatini, formerly Swaziland, have become engaged during a traditional ceremony in which Nomcebo Zuma was among hundreds of women and girls dancing for the monarch.

Zuma, 21, appeared on Monday night at the annual reed dance as the liphovela – the royal fiancee or concubine – and will become King Mswati III’s 16th wife.

The 56-year-old king has led Africa’s last absolute monarchy since taking power in 1986, days after his 18th birthday, and has been criticised for his lavish lifestyle while most of the population lives in poverty.

The days-long reed dance is a traditional rite of womanhood, with young women singing and dancing bare-chested, wearing traditional clothing that includes anklets and thick colourful tassles, some carrying mock swords and shields.

Also known as the Umhlanga, it was regarded as an example of Eswatini’s “graceful” culture, said Bianca Dlamini-Holman, a Swazi influencer, in a 2023 YouTube vlog about that year’s dance. About 5,000 people attended this year’s celebrations at the Ludzidzini royal village in Lobamba.

It is not the first time King Mswati, who has dozens of children, has announced a much younger bride at the Umhlanga. In September 2005, 17-year-old Phindile Nkambule was presented as his 13th fiancee at a reed dance, with the BBC reporting at the time that she had caught his eye at the main dance the previous month.

Just days before, the king had rescinded a ban on sex for and with girls under 18, which he had implemented in an effort to fight HIV/Aids. Two months after imposing the ban in 2001, Mswati fined himself a cow for breaking his own rule by taking a 17-year-old as his ninth wife, according to the BBC.

The king rules the country of 1.2 million people by decree, with political parties banned and elected officials only existing in an advisory capacity.

In 2003, Mswati’s 10th wife, Zena Mahlangu, was abducted, aged 18, while preparing for her A-level exams, her mother, Lindiwe Dlamini, who fought an unsuccessful legal battle to have her daughter returned, alleged.

The king’s latest bride also comes from a large polygamous family. Jacob Zuma, 82, has been married six times and currently has four wives and more than 20 children.

He was South Africa’s president from 2009-18, when he was forced to resign by his African National Congress party after a series of corruption allegations. The shrewd political operator upended the country’s elections earlier this year, when his new uMkhonto we Sizwe party came third, with 14.6% of the vote.


Nomcebo Zuma (3rd L) and one of the king’s daughters, Princess Sakhizwe (2nd L), sing and dance with other young women during the Umhlanga reed dance. Photograph: Emmanuel Croset/AFP/Getty Images

See also

Eswatini-Zuma Marriage: political, economic, and social implications for Eswatini and South Africa

Political power play or family ties? Views vary on Eswatini-Zuma marriage

Ex-SA president Zuma’s daughter adorned with emagwalagwala

Inkhosikati LaGija spends over ten years without seeing King Mswati, under punishment for previously escaping from the Palace amid allegations of physical abuse by husband.


eSwatini Government foreign registered rented cars used to hunt and kill human rights defenders

By Musa Mdluli, Swaziland News, 3 September, 2024


MBABANE: In a country where the law including traffic laws are applied to the ordinary citizens, police officers who are sometimes converted to be ‘hitmen’ for the King Mswati cruel and oppressive regime, are allowed to drive around with foreign registered cars pasted with a police number plate on top.

An alleged foreign registered Toyota Hilux GD6 with a police number plate GSD 520 PO pasted on top, was seen at the SwaziPlaza Mbabane Police Post on Tuesday morning, these cars are allegedly used either to hunt human rights defenders or kidnap children or ordinary citizens to be murdered for alleged ritual purposes.

Government would then issue a statement blaming foreigners traveling in foreign registered cars when in fact, these are alleged State agents on ‘State duties’.

Senior Superintendent Phindile Vilakati,the Police Spokesperson declined to comment.

Reached for comments by this Swaziland News on Tuesday, Sibongile Mazibuko, the President of the Ngwane National Liberatory Congress (NNLC) first thanked this publication for exposing the suspicious cars, she then urged the public to take pictures and sent to the editor wherever they see these vehicles.

“These vehicles are also allegedly used to kill citizens particularly during Incwala ritual ceremony, so we thank the Swaziland News for monitoring this. We urge citizens to take pictures of these vehicles including their drivers so that, when a child or a citizen disappears, we can ask those people. You will recall that, the vehicle that abducted a child at Nyanyali during Incwala was also foreign registered and the police later came-in to assault and intimidate the mother for demanding her child. There’s absolutely no reason to paste a number plate on top just to cover the original one, it’s illegal and if I can do this, the police could arrest me. Why cover a number plate if the vehicle is clean and used for genuine assignments?”, said the NNLC President.

Tinyanga to hospitals: refer some patients to us

By Thokozani Mamba, Times of eSwatini, 5 September 2024


SITEKI: Traditional healers (tinyanga) want hospitals to be empowered to refer some patients to them for treatment in healing huts known as tindumba.

Such referral prescriptions have to be authorised by the Ministry of Health. Yesterday, close to 100 tinyanga from across the country converged at the Siteki Town Council Hall, to commemorate the World Traditional Medicine Celebration Day. Chairman of the Traditional Witchdoctors Association (TWDA), Makhanya Makhanya, thanked the World Health Organisation (WHO), Ministry of Health and Georgetown University (GU) for the working partnership with tinyanga.

Makhanya said as traditional healers, they are impressed with the attention and recognition extended by the health organisations. The chairman then requested the ministry to foster a long-term working relationship with them, by ensuring the ministry formulates referral prescriptions to documented tinyanga, so they can be treated at their tindumba. He mentioned that the association will also issue referral prescriptions to health facilities if their patients need the attention of medical practitioners.

To read more of this report, click here


Supreme Court decision upholding repressive security laws is a blow to human rights

International Commission of Jurists, 30 August 2024


The Supreme Court Judgment paves the way for ongoing repression of freedom of expression in the Kingdom.

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is concerned that an ill-considered judgment issued on 13 August 2024 by Eswatini’s Supreme Court will allow for the continued overexpansive use of national security and counterterrorism laws to violate human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The Court’s decision in Prime Minister of Eswatini and Another v. Thulani Maseko and Six Others overrules a 2016 decision of the High Court, which had declared draconian provisions of the Sedition and Subversive Activities Act of 1938 and the Suppression of Terrorism Act No. 11 of 2008 to be unlawful.

The ICJ now calls on Eswatini to repeal the Sedition and Subversive Activities Act and the Suppression of Terrorism Act or to amend them to comply with Eswatini’s international legal obligations and ensure full compliance with international law.

“Over a long period of time, the Eswatini government has abused these already problematic laws to criminalize freedom of expression, target human rights defenders, and harass, intimidate, and ultimately silence those who  exercise their right to public and political participation, including the political opposition in the country,” said Kaajal Ramjathan-Keogh, ICJ’s Africa Director.

The ICJ considers that these laws are vague and overbroad, in contravention of the principle of legality, and non-compliant with Eswatini’s international legal obligations to protect freedom of expression, association, assembly, and political participation.

The overbreadth of these laws and their abuse by the Eswatini authorities was in stark evidence by the conviction and sentencing of Members of Parliament Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza to 85 years and Mthandeni Dube to 58 years in July 2024. The charges, which arose in the context of widespread protest for democratic reform in Eswatini in June 2021, have been characterized by the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights as “politically motivated”. The accused had neither committed nor encouraged the commission of any acts of violence but merely had exercised their right to freedom of expression in advocating that members of Eswatini society should exercise human rights and advocate for democratic reform.

“The newly rendered Supreme Court ruling, along with the prosecution and conviction of Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube for the exercise of their rights, represents a continuation of the weaponization of the law in Eswatini to suppress political opponents and human rights defenders,” added Ramjathan-Keogh.

To read more of this report, click here


Sex workers hold indaba, fear monkeypox

By Sabelo Ndzinisa, eSwatini News, 31 August 2024


MBABANE: As the kingdom prepares for what promises to be a hectic weekend of events, there are health concerns related to sex workers and the monkeypox threat.

The country will be hosting a triple-header of high-profile events, including the Reed Dance Ceremony, Eswatini International Trade Fair and the bike event to be hosted at the Rider’s Ranch at Sidvokodvo. It is anticipated that a number of visitors from different countries will attend some of these events. There was an indaba for sex workers in the country yesterday, at SibaneSami Hotel, in Ezulwini, where they raised a number of concerns. They complained of being excluded from important health discussions, alleging that they are not educated about how they can protect themselves from diseases like HIV/AIDS and Mpox formerly known as monkeypox. Important to note is that the Ministry of Health was represented during this indaba, along with the Human Rights Commission and Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

It has also been gathered that police were invited to be part of the meeting, but allegedly did not show up, according to Lungile Khumalo, who handles sex workers’ issues in the country.  

Khumalo admitted to Eswatini News that sex workers are vulnerable to diseases because they are not educated or capacitated on how to protect themselves. She said due to financial vulnerability, some sex workers are allegedly raped and abused by clients, exposing them to infections like HIV/AIDS. “Socially, sex workers are treated badly, which explains why they are not included in educational health programmes. We have noted a sharp rise in HIV/AIDS infections among them, because they are not educated on health preventative measures,” she said. Khumalo said it was time for government to change the mindset towards sex workers and embrace them  as part of society. She stated that during the indaba, the sex workers admitted that they feel left out, not just on health education, but job opportunities as well.   

To read more of this report, click here



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