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Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Swazi Police are being accused of leaking these photos of Ndumiso Mamba, the then Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, as he was caught in an adulterous affair with King Mswati III’s 12th wife.

Two photos of Mamba hiding in the bottom of a divan bed in a hotel room circulated across the world. They were taken after police and security forces raided the room where he was with Inkhosikati LaDube.

Now, Barnabas Dlamini, the illegally-appointed Prime Minister of Swaziland, has been questioned in Parliament about who took the pictures and how they leaked out to international bloggers and the news media.

Dlamini was told the publication of the pictures embarrassed Swaziland. But in a surreal moment, nobody would actually admit what the photos showed. Of course, although news of the illicit sexual affair between Mamba and LaDube was publicised across the world, the Swazi media were not allowed to report on it. So (officially at least) nobody in Swaziland knows what dirty deeds the queen and Mamba got up to.

In Parliament, Dlamini admitted the pictures had been leaked by police, but investigations are continuing, he said.

He said from time to time police were trained in how to handle scenes of crime and added perhaps it was time for a refresher course.

He said it was not only the police who were involved in the matter as other security forces were too.

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